Otherworld Nation Founding Chronicles


As one would expect, wagons would have a hard time passing through the forest, so they brought them disassembled. They were made in such a way that they could be immediately reassembled together using nails.

The wagons are necessary because, apart from carrying the plunder, they’d be used to carry and transport injured soldiers and important prisoners-of-war.

This operation is to invade the De Morgal Kingdom through the Romano Forest while the enemy is focused on sieging Fort Terrier. Its objectives are to destroy the enemy’s supply base and to wreak havoc on the area.

That way, the enemy would have no choice but to retreat.

Then, using that opportunity, the main army shall pursue to strike a blow.

After that, a detached force would annoy and exhaust the De Morgal army here and there.

In a suitable time, the detached force and the main army shall converge and strike the De Morgal Army together.

It’ll probably then be easy to attack and tear apart an exhausted De Morgal Army.

“That being said, you really know the animal trails in this forest full of trees, huh.”

“This is forest is just like my and Roswald’s garden after all.”

Soyon answers Muzio’s question with a smile.

Naturally, they’ve investigated the area beforehand so they could lead the way without hesitation.

It’s also thanks to Soyon and the others’ guidance that the cavalry could advance through the forest without fear of divine punishment. Well, because they’re not connected to the Romano Forest, from the very beginning there was very little hesitation from the Alva people and the Germanis people which comprised most of the cavalry as they aren’t that familiar about the Griffon.

“Also, don’t worry about when we’ve entered De Morgal Territory. I’m from there so I’ll also be able to guide you. I’ve lived there up until I was ten.” (Soyon)

Moreover, Soyon has repeatedly investigated the area via owl late at night.

She’s completely memorized the geography.

“By the way, about that owl. It looks like it’s not native to the Adernian Peninsula so….may I ask where could you have got one?”

Dora asks Soyon.

Although Dora is the older one, in this situation, Soyon is the senior.

Incidentally, Soyon is also more powerful as a sorcerer.

“Five months ago, we procured some from a Cretian merchant.”

“Fi, five months ago……”

Dora is shocked.

Normally, it would take three years minimum to be able to deepen your relationship with the animal to be able to soul ride.

“Soyon is the best when it comes to animals after all…..no, really.”

Roswald praises Soyon.

“Otto, we’ll be coming out of the forest soon……..Everyone, please prepare yourselves.”

Raymond orders the whole group.

For the time being, the one in command in this detached force is Raymond.

Because Muzio is a prince, any person with a social standing below that would not be fit to become commender.

Although Raymond has no experience commanding cavalry…..he still has Roswald with him as well as the cavalry specialists Virgar and Muzio.

Therefore, there won’t be any problems with him leading.

“We’re finally out the forest! Well then, commander. Let’s advance without delay!”

Virgar tries to run off as he said so. However, Roswald grips his collar and stops him.

“Ouch, that hurts!”

“You idiot. Look, it’s already dark. We won’t be able to advance properly.”

The sun is already falling.

If they began their operation now, the army will inevitably get separated from each other and lost.

They would, on the other hand, stand out should they use torches.

“There’s a small river around 10 minutes from here. There aren’t a lot of trees there so we should be able to make camp there.”

Soyon suggests while pointing at the forest.

Since the horses won’t be able to run inside the forest, it took time choosing and advancing through a place where they could walk. It was expected that it would be night by the time they’d got out of the forest.

“Well, isn’t that fine. The horses are tired too, after all.”

With Muzio’s endorsement, it’s been decided that they’d stay the night inside the forest.

Early morning.

The sun still hasn’t risen.

Although it’s a little dark, it’s not like you can’t see anything.

“Alright, Let’s go!”

The detached force starts moving at Raymond’s lead.

Horses show their real worth in the plains.

Therefore, the unit advanced using narrow road often used by the farmers.

Besides that path, all that’s left are marshland and the forest which would be difficult for the horses to navigate.

However, naturally, at the end of this path is a village.

They did not avoid that village. Rather, they captured it.

The village was caught completely off guard and got captured without a fight.

The villagers wrongly assumed that the De Morgal Army had failed so they immediately bowed their heads to Raymond.

“I beg of you. Please, we will offer you all our food. We’ll even give you our young women. That’s why please, spare this whole village of slavery….”

“No, we don’t need the women, nor the food. We’re in a hurry. …..

No, on second thought, village chief. We want you to come along with us.”

Raymond then orders the town to fly the flag of the Rosyth Kingdom. Just like that, they leave taking with them only the village chief.

The villagers can’t help but stare in confusion at the figure of the cavalry disappearing in the distance.

“Is that fine? At the very least shouldn’t we have burnt down the whole village?”

Muzio asks Raymond to which Raymond shakes his head.

“No, that would be unnecessary. The food supply of the whole area is gathered at Dress village. The food left in the previous village was just the bare minimum to feed them. We won’t be dealing a huge blow to the enemy even if we burn that down. Rather, it only sends the message that if you don’t resist then nothing bad will happen to you. Isn’t that right, village chief?”

Raymond smiles at the village chief riding on the wagon.

The chief unconsciously trembles in fear.

Besides, if you say that you don’t have leeway to liberally take away slaves then you could also argue that you don’t have time to be killing them too.

One by one, they took over villages, ordered them to fly the Rosythian banner, and then disappear just like that. In exchange, they also took each villages’ chief.

They send a captured village chief to the villages who showed signs of resistance to make them capitulate peacefully without bloodshed.

By noon of that day, they reached the village of Dress.

“What’s the meaning of this!! We haven’t received any information that the main army has been annihilated! Where the hell did the enemy army come from!?”

“No…..I completely have no idea…”

“Then do you suppose they teleported here by sorcery then? There’s no way in hell that would be possible, right!?”

Dress’ garrison chief is yelling his heart out.

It’s only natural that he’d feel that way.

Wouldn’t it be strange for a 500-strong enemy army to suddenly appear without warning and cause chaos?

“And the enemy’s completely made up of cavalry, right?”

“Yes, it appears so.”

“Then close the gate shut and protect it at all costs!! We only have 300 infantrymen. We won’t stand a chance against them. Hey, order the sorcerers to send a falcon message. Demand reinforcements quick!”

The village of Dress is unusually fortified.

Not only are the walls made up of a combination of wood and stone, they’re also quite high.

While the gates are made of wood, it’s made of several trees put together plus it’s enchanted by a physical barrier so it won’t easily get destroyed.

“As such, shall we use that to break through their defenses?”

“Yes, we’ll use the ballistae. You had them assembled last night, yes?”

The detached force has brought with them 4 ballistae. Strictly speaking, they brought with them enough parts to make four. They then reassembled them last night and loaded them on the wagons right after they went out to the plains.

Naturally, they’ll be using bomb spears as the bolt.

“Should the ballistae fail, then we will have to use battering rams. Anyway, we can just use the nearby trees to make some. For the meantime, before we……destroy it with the ballistae……”

Raymond cuts off his words.

“For the meantime, let’s demand their surrender. Village chiefs, if you would please.”

Raymond grins.

The village chiefs set off to the garrison chief’s office.

“We are very sorry!”

The village chiefs apologize while prostrating on the ground.

“It couldn’t be helped. There are no garrisons in your villages after all. So, the reason you came here is…….to demand my surrender, yes?”

The village chiefs nod while trembling at those words.

“Tell them that when the De Morgal army notices this strange situation, they will without fail come rushing here. Until then, we intend to continue resisting. It should be they who should surrender.”

The chiefs return to the Rosythians with great haste.

“I see. Well, it couldn’t be helped.”

“Finally, it’s time for battle!”

Muzio prepares his bow looking pleased.

This will be the detached force’s first battle.

“Ballistae, cocked and ready! Five seconds to fire! Four, three, two, one, Fire!!”

The ballistae fire at Roswald’s command and splendidly hits the wooden gate. The spears deeply penetrate the door and explode a few moments later.

The bomb spears repeatedly caused damage to the gate. Since it was designed to explode after penetrating, the spears were perfect for bringing down such a target.

“Breakthrough! Charge!”

The Rosythian army rushes through the gate.

Just like that, the battle ended.

Although the enemy intended to force a siege, they never managed to put up an effective resistance in the confusion brought by the flames, smoke, and noise. They got immediately captured and restrained by the rushing cavalrymen.

The garrison chief tried to resist up until the last moment. Unfortunately for him, he was completely outnumbered and got immediately captured. The sorcerers, too, who have sent falcons, got captured relatively easy. With this, they would have to stop their soul-ride. They would risk death after all if they continued with their bodies in the hands of enemies.

With their bodies gone, the soul won’t be able to return. An out-of-body death is one of the most frightening things for the Adernians.

Again, as per the village chiefs’ appeal, the Dress villagers surrendered without further resistance.

Raymond gathered the villagers and the captured 100 enemy soldiers together. He then declares:

“We country has some use for you subordinates of the De Morgal Kingdom trying to invade our country. As such, we don’t intend to kill you villagers. In exchange, you will tell us the locations of all the warehouses storing food and rations in this supply base. Please don’t worry. We will leave behind the bare minimum to feed you all.”

The villagers raise voices of delight.

In their point of view, so long as there would be enough left for them to eat then there’s no problem.

Raymond then addresses the 100 soldiers.

“By all rights, we would have already killed all of you. However, you too also have family waiting for you. Therefore, we won’t kill you. In exchange, we want you to spread this around – that ‘our objective is the De Morgal Army only. Stop all resistance and you would be spared.’”

At Raymonds words, they confiscated all the soldier’s equipment and let them go.

There are three reasons for this:

First, it would be a waste of time to kill all of them. You can only expect further resistance if you tried to kill them all.

Second, killing all of them would only provoke the De Morgal army to ramp up their resistance. You will also just increase revanchism amongst the enemy. In contrast, should they let them go, it will only reinforce the idea that they won’t be killed should they stop all resistance. This will also make the detached force’s advance easier.

Third, taking soldiers prisoner and carrying them around would only negatively affect the speed of their advance so it’s out of the question.

That’s their reasoning behind such an action.

“Oh, they have horses too. Yes, not bad. Alright, let’s get them. I just can’t leave horses alone!”

Muzio and the others immediately began partitioning the spoils of war.

The De Morgal Army’s equipment were quite popular amongst them.

Seventy (70) percent of their arrows are iron-tipped. These were like treasure to Muzio and the others who use only stone-tipped arrows.

Raymond looks at them from a distance.

Since iron equipment is heavy, there’s no way they’d take them.

Besides, they’ll be able to get them in large quantities later when the main army pursues the enemy’s main army. There’s no need to collect them now.

Since Raymond is free, he approaches Soyon to strike up a conversation.

“You’re from the De Morgal Kingdom yes? Which village are you from?”

“I’m from this village, you know.”

“Oh? This village…….erm, what?”

Raymond unconsciously asked again.

Soyon lightens up an laughs.

“My family was managing farmland in this village. It’s quite a big estate that we own several slaves and livestock.”

“Oh, really….”

Raymond lost his bearings and tried his best to make an agreeable response. He felt like he touched upon a sensitive subject and tried to change it. However, Soyon didn’t let him and talked on.

“However, my mother fell ill and died……while my father got conscripted and killed. Furthermore, our entire fortune were seized by our relatives…….”

“I’m sorry. Please, that’s enough.”

Raymond tries to forcibly end the topic.

Meanwhile, Soyon shows a blank expression.

“Would that be fine? From that point, I still have the part where Ron’s father saves and takes me in, the happy part where I fought and fell in love with Ron, the sad part where Ron’s father fell ill and died just like my mother and his relatives took custody of the two of us? After that, there’s still the wonderful part where, because of the curse, we got abandoned in the forest and saved by Griffon-sama and Almis.”

“Ah, no, really, I’ve had enough so……”

Raymond, apart from worrying about several things, is bad with the gloomy atmosphere he unwittingly sowed so he declines.

“Is that so? That’s a bummer. But please, don’t you worry. I’ve visited the town of Blouse several times because I often accompanied my father when paying taxes. I can lead the way!”

“Is this the last of the storehouses?”

Roswald asks. The villagers nod.

He then orders Virgar to prepare the oil and gunpowder.

They light the fire and it immediately grows into a blaze.

Citizens who were unaware of the situation were probably shook into action. They then immediately rushed towards the nearest checking station which promptly sent out a fast horse (to request reinforcements).

However, we were already gone by the time they contacted the enemy and the reinforcements came so it’s no problem.

“Such a waste, huh……if we had that much wheat then we would have been able to feed tens of thousands of people.” (Virgar)

“They’d be too heavy to carry so we couldn’t take them. Besides, there’s something even better waiting for us.” (Roswald)

“And what would that be? Stop hyping us up and just tell us what it is, commander.” (Virgar)

Roswald tilts his head at Virgar’s words.

“Uh, did I forget to tell you our last objective?”

“Didn’t you tell us to just look forward to it without even telling us what it is!?”

The other cavalrymen nod at Virgar’s words.

Roswald laughs and scratches his head.

“Ahahaha, my bad. Our objective is the estate of this region’s clan, the Blouse clan’s estate in the town of Blouse……..specifically speaking, it’s a town with Garnet mine!”

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